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About Me

Hi, I’m Haajarah! I’m a Paediatric Specialist Nurse by day, Medical Law & Ethics Student by night. I’m a wife & mama to 2.

As a Paediatric Nurse, I’m extremely passionate about changing the narrative around CYP’s mental health & wellbeing. That’s why I started Nurse Haajarah - a platform for me to host my own workshops online and in person (at schools) for CYP. My workshops range from LD/SEN support, mental resilience building, wellbeing and living with Autism and/or ADHD.

I’m also the Founder of Noor’s House UK. A nurse-led, one of a kind service that provides resources and advocacy for CYP with SEN/LD, Autism and ADHD.

If you’d like to work together, have me come to your school or simply want to say hello, find my contact details here.

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Microphone awaits public speaker at seminar

Nurse Haajarah

Working as a Paediatric Specialist Nurse, Haajarah offers workshops and consultancy to schools, CYP and their families; specialising in LD/SEN, Autism, ADHD, MH & Wellbeing.

Noor’s House UK

Nurse-led, Noor’s House UK is a one of a kind platform, providing online and in person workshops, resources and advocacy for SEN/LD; Autism, ADHD and Mental Health.

Public Speaking

Haajarah is passionate about inspiring the next generation. With a number of services offered, Haajarah partakes in public speaking events, sharing her journey with others.

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What Clients Say

Dawn, Aged 15

1:1 Mentoring via Nurse Haajarah

“My mum encouraged me to reach out to Haajarah for mentoring after she met her and spoke to her about my anxiety. I’m doing well and really enjoy our weekly sessions, I think I’ve progressed a lot.”

Fouzia, SENCO Lead

“Haajarah’s presence has made such a big difference in our pupils! She ran one workshop on self-image and now has a waitlist for her next booking with us.”

Dick, Ethics Committee

“Haajarah has been pivotal to the Ethics Committee and has continuously shown dedication to the cases we present. She is always going above and beyond for our patients. Grateful as a team to have her!”